Thursday, January 2, 2014

Out of the Darkness

For no reason at all I have felt sad all afternoon/evening. Again, the house felt empty and quiet. Chris was working so I was home alone with William, but he sure is full of life, so there should have been nothing quiet and empty about it. Maybe it is from being off work for so many days, since work still is a major part of my social life. More than anything, however, I think the darkness finally got to me. The winters in Sweden are LONG and DARK. Even though we don't have much winter weather so far this winter, the amount of daylight (or lack thereof) is still the same every year. And actually, without snow on the ground, it is even darker. Since December 21st was the shortest day of the year, it means we are already 12 days moving out of the darkness. It will only get lighter! Snuggles with my little boy, chocolate, a glass of wine and a 2 hour Skype date with one of my dearest friends has gotten me back to my happy, positive self. Moving out of the darkness.